Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My First Cupcake

It's a Red Velvet Cupcake of course! : )

I'm pretty sure she liked it.

For her birthday, Drew and I were super stoked to take her to a REAL "baay - baow" game. This is how it started:

This is us at

This is us definitely needing to go home...

They finally canceled when we go for our rain check, I'll post some real pictures. Poor Vel...Poor us.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Year

Today is Velvie's Birthday. I just can't hardly believe it! We are going to a Rangers game tomorrow night to celebrate. She just LOVES "baaay-baaow" (baseball :)

Well, I was going to put up a slide show of her first year, but it was too big : ) So, here is a little video and a couple pictures of her cute self. She really is getting so independent and becoming her own little person...I am loving this stage : )